Payload Contents

1 WORDSMITH (of Sol). Carbon-based life form. Earth Origin.

Locality Hazards: Possible time dilation effects

Apply directly to brain-centers. Any ill effects on the Time-Continuum or Zeitgeist are purely coincidental

Writer from Northwest Indiana primarily working in Sci-Fi. Alleged clown. Chronic realist and professional tech finder-outer. Musician. Long-time, long-form rambler, poet, and roustabout. When not engaged in circus duties, can be found seeking answers to The Human Condition while consuming copious amounts of stationary.

All opinions expressed herein are property of the Wordsmith of Sol and cannot be trusted.

Note:Wordsmiths are notoriously unreliable both as financial investments and pets. Please do not feed after midnight.

(Also: Do not get them wet. It damages their pages.)

Welcome back, everyone.
